C.H. Jonathan Choi Research Group

By exploring how nanoparticles interact with the living system across the length scales of organs, tissues, cells, and organelles, we design novel bionanomaterials for treating diseases arisen from various biological locations in vivo.

Job Openings


Success in nanomedicine research requires an interdisciplinary pool of talent and knowledge

We welcome motivated PhD students from diverse academic backgrounds who are passionate about:

Recruitment of postdoctoral fellows

Abstract/Description: The Bionanotechnology Laboratory at The Chinese University of Hong Kong has two postdoc positions starting from June 1, 2021. Candidates with the passion to work on developing cutting-edge research in is highly encouraged to apply. The initial appointment is for 1 year, and it will renewed for another 1 year or more subject to satisfying performance. Interested candidates should directly contact Prof. Jonathan Choi (jchchoi(at)cuhk.edu.hk) with a CV that contains education background, working experience, publication records, and a list of 2-3 referees.

Job Requirements: The candidates should have a PhD degree in chemistry, chemical engineering, biomedical engineering, materials science, or a related field. He/She should have published experience in at least one of the following areas: (1) nanomaterials, (2) DNA chemistry, (3) cell-based experiments, (4) animal-based experiments, and (5) bio-nano interactions. For this call, priority will be given to candidates with a strong background in DNA nanotechnology, although interested candidates from these five above backgrounds will all be considered.

Job Duties:: Successful applicants will be expected to work on developing DNA nanostructures for diagnosing biomarkers and for therapeutic applications. They are also expected to mentor graduate students and junior researchers in the lab.

Contact: Applicants may seek more information from or Professor Jonathan Choi at jchchoi(at)cuhk.edu.hk and the lab homepage at http://www.bme.cuhk.edu.hk/jchchoi/.