Biomedical engineering is an interdisciplinary field dedicated to addressing biological and medical challenges for the benefit of humanity by applying engineering principles and techniques. The Biomedical Engineering (BME) programme is offered by the Faculty of Engineering via deep collaboration with Faculty of Medicine.

Students in the BME program receive training at the intersection of cutting-edge engineering and medical disciplines through core courses, while also having the flexibility to select from a diverse range of electives tailored to their specific career goals.

The field of BME is instrumental in creating innovative medical technologies, including MRI machines, brain-computer interfaces, cardiac pacemakers, orthopedic implants, rehabilitative devices, medical robotics, and minimally-invasive endoscopes. Biomedical devices are now being designed at micro- and nano-scales for diagnostic and therapeutic applications at the molecular and cellular levels. Students have the opportunity to engage with the extensive biomedical engineering research activities conducted within the University, thereby broadening their expertise in this dynamic field.

Focus areas of the programme are:
(1) Medical Instrumentation and Biosensors;
(2) Biomedical Imaging, Informatics and Modeling;
(3) Molecular, Cell and Tissue Engineering.

Graduates of the Biomedical Engineering (BME) program find diverse opportunities in various sectors, including hospitals, universities, government agencies, public organizations, and industries. The careers available to BME graduates span the entire value chain, encompassing research and development, manufacturing, quality assurance, consulting, distribution and sales, clinical engineering, regulatory affairs, and technology entrepreneurship. In addition to these career paths, BME graduates are well-prepared for pursuing advanced studies in engineering and biomedical sciences. Some alumni have even embarked on careers in business, law, and medicine, demonstrating the versatility and adaptability of their BME education.

To know more about CUHK BME Undergraduate Programme

Visit our YouTube Channel

Download our Programme Brochure


Unique Learning Experience in CUHK BME:

  • Our BEng (Hons) in Biomedical Engineering programme is jointly supported by the CUHK Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Medicine. It is coherently organized under the CUHK Department of Biomedical Engineering to support student learning on campus, in hospital, and with our partners local and overseas.
  • CUHK BME students will have opportunities to learn on-site how technology can enhance clinical services and patient benefits. Besides having the Prince of Wales Hospital is our teaching hospital, CUHK has its own private teaching hospital (CUHK Medical Centre).
  • CUHK is one of only two Universities in Hong Kong that can offer interdisciplinary Biomedical Engineering education at the interface between the Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Business Administration. The Chinese University of Hong Kong is also the only University in Hong Kong that organizes students and staff in a collegiate system, bringing various fields of studies together and providing aspects of holistic education.
  • Our students have opportunity to support for overseas exchanges, research and industrial internships, and global competitions.
  • Accredited by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE), ample opportunities for industrial and academic placements.
  • The multi-disciplinary BME programme on emergying biomedical fields equip our graduates with a wide spectrum of career opportunities in the hospital, government and industrial sectors. In addition, our graduates also pursue further studies in various engineering and medical disciplines in local and overseas institutions.
  • Our top students with interest and track record in research are eligible for potential enrollment in the CUHK MBChB program in an accelerated track.

    Admission Requirement

    JUPAS Admission (JUPAS code: JS4460)

    Students are expected to have completed at least two elective subjects plus the four core subjects. Priority scores are computed based on the Best 5 HKDSE subject results with subject weighting as below:

    Non-JUPAS Admission (Local & International)

    Applicants who are seeking admissions on the strength of qualifications other than Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination results can also apply through the Non-JUPAS Admissions Scheme:

  • Local Entrants
  • Non-JUPAS (Year 1 Admissions) *
    Local applicants who are not using the results of Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) for admissions purpose such as International Baccalaureate, GCE A-Level, SAT, Higher Diploma and Associate Degree will be considered as Non-JUPAS applicants. More detailed information is available at https://admission.cuhk.edu.hk/non-jupas-yr-1/requirements.html

  • Non-JUPAS (Senior Year Admissions)
  • Local students who possess Associate Degree or Higher Diploma qualifications will be considered as Non-JUPAS applicants and can apply for senior year admission. More detailed information is available at

  • International Entrants
  • International Students Admissions Scheme*
    Applicants who require a student visa/ entry permit to study in Hong Kong will be considered as international students. International students can apply for admission by using overseas/ other qualification such as International Baccalaureate, GCE A-Level and SAT. More detailed information is available at https://admission.cuhk.edu.hk/international/requirements.html

    *A non-JUPAS applicant may apply for "Admission with Advanced Standing" if he/she meets specific requirements (including GCE-AL, IB-HL, etc.). For students admitted with Advanced Standing, the number of units for graduation may be reduced by up to 24. Applicants should indicate in the application form whether they would like to be considered for "Admission with Advanced Standing".

  • Mainland Entrants
  • For Mainland JEE applicants, please visit http://admission.cuhk.edu.hk/sc/mainland/requirements.html

    *** Useful information for JUPAS applicants ***

    1. Important Information for JUPAS Applicants:

    2. 2024 CUHK JUPAS Admission Requirements & Score Calculations:
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gM-HIyyGBOM (Cantonese Version)
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_jOfkBq6Js (English Version)

    3. 2024 CUHK JUPAS Subject Weighting & Score Conversion Scale:
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSvr_vgNsvA&t=95s (Cantonese Version)
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsqj9C0uMvY (English Version)


    Curriculum structure

    Presentations of year 1 students in a required course -BMEG2001 Introduction to Biomedical Engineering


    YEAR 2024-2025 Applicable to students admitted in 2024-25
    download link
    YEAR 2023-2024 Applicable to students admitted in 2023-24
    download link
    YEAR 2022-2023 Applicable to students admitted in 2022-23
    download link


    Students are required to participate in a four-week professional and practical summer training on CUHK main campus and at Prince of Wales Hospital (PWH) and CUHK Medical Centre (CUMC). The in-house training involves electronic circuit design, simulation, fabrication, interfacing with software, data acquisition, and wireless communication, while the hospital training, students can experience the daily operation information flow and logistics in the running of a hospital. They will also learn about the fundamentals and the clinical use of medical instruments. The training provides a valuable chance for students to relate theory and engineering knowledge to practice in a real-world setting.

    Students’ Sharing
    Aiana BAEKOVA (Class of 2022)

    “Choosing a major is one of the most important decisions people make in their lives. It has to be something they will not regret spending 4 years on. I believe I made the right choice by joining BME!

    In BME, not only we acquire knowledge from various subjects but also we learn how to apply those skills. During my first year, BME conducted summer training for all undergraduate students. The training helped me to see real-life applications of the concepts learned in class, and gave me an insight view on the working environment of biomedical engineers. All the hospital visits, medical instrumentation company visit and the laboratories motivate aspiring engineers, like me, to keep working and make a contribution later in their lives.

    As an international student, I had some difficulty finding local friends but BME summer training changed that. BME Summer Training is what brought both local and non-local students together by dividing us into groups. Despite the short time we spent together as a group, we were still able to make vivid memories together! I am very grateful to the department for this opportunity!

    Explore, innovate and care together with BME!”


    1. Overseas Summer Research Internship

    Our department provides overseas summer research internship opportunities for our BME students. Internships usually start on around June and last for about 8-10 weeks in every summer. Our professors have close collaboration with some of the overseas institutions across USA, Canada, Poland, Australia, Japan, Taiwan and China.

    In last two academic years (2021-22 & 2022-23), around 12% of our senior-year students joined our overseas summer research internship programme. Recent examples include:

  • University of Sydney, Australia
  • Monash University, Australia
  • New Jersey Institute of Technology, United States of America
  • University of Pennsylvania, USA
  • McGill University, Canada
  • University of Limoges, XLIM Research Institute (CNRS), France
  • Nantes Université, France
  • Technika University of Gdańsk, Poland
  • Singapore Eye Research Institute, Singapore
  • Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
  • National Taiwan University, Taiwan
  • Chang Gung University, Taiwan
  • National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
  • Students’ Sharing
    Patrick SZE (Class of 2023)

    Participated in overseas summer research internship programme in University of Limoges, XLIM Research Institute, France

    “I am working on a summer research internship supervised by Prof. Shuwen ZENG. Throughout the three months internship, I exposed myself to the fabrication and characterization of nanomaterials. I also understand nanomaterials' optical properties and nanomaterials applications in biosensing, and I built my laser setup in the laboratory for surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensing. This internship experience has equipped me with critical and independent thinking, improving effective communication and teamwork. I have also obtained an innovative mindset and an affinity for problem-solving after solving the bugs by myself. It is valuable continuous learning, and I feel very thankful for my supervisor.”

    2. Overseas Exchange

    University provides overseas exchange opportunities to students to immerse in multi-cultural settings and to enrich their study life and personal experience. Many undergraduate students in Biomedical Engineering participate in overseas exchange programmes around the world.

    In last two academic years (2022-23 & 2023-24), around 17% of our senior year students joined our overseas exchange programme. Recent examples include:

  • Aston University, UK
  • Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule Zurich, Switzerland
  • Ecole Polytechnique Federale De Lausanne, Switzerland
  • Fudan University, China
  • Graz University of Technology, Austria
  • Lille Catholic University, France
  • Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
  • National University of Singapore, Singapore
  • Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  • Simon Fraser University, Canada
  • Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore
  • The University of Sydney, Australia
  • University of Pennsylvania, USA
  • University of Liverpool, UK
  • University College London, UK
  • 3. On-Campus Research Internships

    Many BME students participate in research internships in our laboratories in the summer as well during regular terms.

    Students’ Sharing
    SAELOR Jirapong (Class of 2025)

    “I would like to express my gratitude to my internship supervisor, Professor DUAN Liting and PhD student Zhihao ZHAO for their guidance, support, and valuable insights throughout this project. I have learned a lot and understand more about tissue engineering and optogenetic research from this project. Moreover, I learn how researchers and postgraduate students conduct their research the process before they can publish their paper. I would also like to thank the Biomedical Engineering department for this research student helper opportunity. This opportunity is valuable for me such that it acts as a milestone for me to decide the stream I want to concentrate on and inspire me to pursue a postgraduate degree.”

    Francis CHAN (Class of 2022)

    “The undergraduate research I joined on the first half year of 2021 earn me a wonderful experience in exploring the area of software development and data analysis. These elements allow me to recognize the applicable tools to be utilized in my future study.

    Alson LEE (Class of 2022)

    “The ongoing pandemic posed a rather difficult situation for the scope of the research experience. Even through all the challenges, I would say that my experience in this program has been great and that I wouldn’t have gotten so much time and experience on Arduino and hands-on engineering skills. I have certainly learned a lot!”

    4. Work-Study Programme

    Students can choose to participate in “Work-Study Programme” upon completion of the third year of their major study. The Programme provides students an opportunity to apply engineering principles and methods from their studies to an authentic working environment. Students will continue their final year of study on campus afterwards. Partners include Hospital Authority, private hospitals, companies from the biomedical engineering industries. Recent examples include:

  • Asia Satellite Telecommunications Company Limited
  • ASM Technology Hong Kong Limited
  • Automatic Manufacturing Limited
  • Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, HKSAR Government
  • Hong Kong Productivity Council
  • The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited (HSBC)
  • ITE Smartcard Solutions Limited
  • Medisen Limited
  • 5. Design Competitions

  • iGEM, International Genetically Engineered Machine Competition at Giant Jamboree in Boston, USA
  • Engineering Medical Innovation Global Competition
  • Hong Kong University Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition
  • ASM Technology Competition

    Employment of biomedical engineers is expected to grow much faster than the average for all occupations. The aging population and the focus on health issues will increase the demand for better medical devices and equipment. The development of biomedical engineering is therefore a worldwide trend. Our graduates are pursuing the following career paths:

  • Manufacturing Industries
  • Clinical Engineers in Hospitals
  • Entrepreneurs in Biotech Companies
  • Regulatory Affairs
  • Distribution & Sale
  • Testing Laboratories
  • Research Scientists & Engineers
  • Further Studies (MSc, PhD, MD, MBA, PCLL)
  • BME Graduate Career Pathways


    Ample scholarships are available through multiple sources - the Office of Admission and Financial Aids, Colleges, Faculty of Engineering, as well as Department of Biomedical Engineering to encourage students to participate in international competitions and conferences.

    In the previous year, around 20% of our newly admitted students have received Admission Scholarship (in one-off or renewable offer), the highest admission scholarship received is up to HK$145,000 per academic year.

    For more details, please go to:
    Faculty of Engineering Admission Scholarships for New Students: Link1
    Financing Your Studies: Link2


    Fiona LAM (Class of 2026)
    admitted via JUPAS

    “When I first started university, I was lost and found it difficult to envision my university life. Our department's introduction course in the first semester helps a lot as we have the chance to learn about each professor's field of study. This tailor-made course for BME freshman allows me to explore what stream I would like to pursue and provides chances for interaction among students and professors. Another course that I found helpful in my first year is our summer practical training. We have the chance to visit different departments in hospital and see how BME is applied in real-life settings. Seeing how devices support hospital service and enhance patient's quality of life motived me to continue my study. Through this program, I am grateful to have made friends whom I can have fun and study with. I am glad to say I have a fantastic first year experience in BME and feel motivated towards the next few years of study.”

    Thomas CHAN (Class of 2024)
    admitted via JUPAS

    “I think studying in BME has provided me countless opportunities to try and explore different fields of knowledge like electronic, imaging and medical-related courses are all available. They also have many projects to give you hands-on experience, like building a robotic arm and ECG detector. This means you can find your future path by trying more different things, which is the reason why I chose BME. At this moment, I am having a BME summer internship at the University of Technology of Troyes in France, doing an optic-related biosensing experiment. This opens my eyes by showing me what doing real research feels like. Even though this is a challenging path to take, I think in the end, it will be worth it, especially if you want to do research in the future.”

    CHEUNG Suen (Class of 2023)
    admitted via JUPAS

    “BME is an interdisciplinary program that can be struggled during the beginning of the study, as we have to learn a variety of subjects such as physics, biology, chemistry, mathematics, and programming. However, this broad curriculum trains your time management and problem-solving skills while also helping students identify their strengths and interests. BME offers a range of hands-on courses that we can engage in projects and experiments and encourages innovation, allowing students to design their own medical products.”

    Diya MISHRA (Class of 2024)
    admitted via non-JUPAS International

    “CUHK’s multidisciplinary BME program is centered on an all-rounded development for their students. The initial years allow students to build up a strong fundamental understanding of the entire field, allowing students to explore and figure out their personal interests. In the last few years, through the opportunity of specializing in one of three available streams, students can focus more on their interests. One of my main takeaways as an engineering student is the significance of practical experience. Projects, internships, and other various opportunities are what have allowed me to uncover where my interests lie. What has impressed me the most is the department’s commitment to assisting students get that pivotal experience for the development of our critical skills as an engineer. The department closely works with professors and students to provide various stages of training for us, including but not limited to on-campus lab assisting opportunities, overseas summer internships, or even a workstudy program.”



    - How many students we are admitting each year?
    - What qualities of the applicants do we look for?
    - What is the JUPAS code for this programme?
    - How is the admission priority score computed for JUPAS applications?
    - Do I need Biology to apply to this programme?
    - Any Admission Statistics of JUPAS Applicants of BME programme?
    - How to apply for admission to BME?

    General Questions
    - What is the difference between BME and related programmes (Bioengineering, Biomedical Sciences)?
    - How to arrange a School Talk?

    How many students we are admitting each year?

    Around 50.

    What qualities of the applicants do we look for?

    We look for students who like science subjects, love to EXPLORE, INNOVATE and CARE, passionate for learning in breadth as well as in depth, ready to acquire new knowledge across disciplines, and eager to apply their learning to solve real-life problems in the medical and healthcare industries.

    What is the JUPAS code for this programme?

    JUPAS Catalogue No.(聯招編號): JS4460
    BEng in Biomedical Engineering 生物醫學工程學

    For details, please click this Link

    How is the admission priority score computed for JUPAS applications?

    Students are expected to have completed at least two elective subjects plus the four core subjects. One of the electives should be Physics, Chemistry, Biology or Mathematics Extended Module M1/M2. Priority scores are computed based on the Best 5. A higher weighting of 1.5 will be given to English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and one of the Mathematics subjects (either the core Mathematics or the M1/ M2 Extended Module).

    Do I need Biology to apply to this programme?

    All science subjects are equally weighted with a factor of 1.5. Some students in our programme missed some science subjects (including Biology) in their secondary school and can still do well in our programme. Our flexible articulation allows our students to take some remedial subjects for better underpinning if needed.

    Any Admission Statistics of JUPAS Applicants of BME programme?

    How to apply for admission to BME?

    CUHK OAFA Website:

    What is the difference between BME and related programmes (Bioengineering, Biomedical Sciences)?

    Similar in name to Biomedical Engineering is Biomedical Sciences. However, the scope of studies is entirely different. Biomedical Sciences focuses on understanding the underlying mechanism of biological processes. For example, Biomedical Sciences can help to understand how a virus enters the body of humans while it is often the Biomedical Engineer who uses this knowledge to engineer vaccination or virus-test technologies for the benefit of the public.

    How to arrange a School Talk?

    Email: bmeinfo@cuhk.edu.hk
    Phone Number: +852 3943-1935